Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meet Debbie

Hi there and thanks for coming over here!

First of all, thanks so much for your Mince Beef recipe ideas on my last post
and the encouraging comments on my new painting.

Loved the recipe ideas, will we ever get sick of swapping recipes?
I ended up, sort of making up a stir fry version, served with rice, it was delicious.
Now back to some News...
I'd like you to meet Debbie 

Any "Australian Home Beautiful"
 fan will have probably already read about her 

I've scanned  photos from the September Home Beautiful feature article on Debbie's beautifully renovated Californian Bungalow to share with you.
As I was scanning, I was trying to remember how long we've known her for?
It all started when she bought, I think a largish piece of furniture from Tony?
I ended up going with Tony to help him deliver this piece of heavy furniture to Debbie's funny old run down Bungalow.

 I might add in a very good location.


Although we see Debbie often, we haven't had a chance to visit her completed project

All I can say...... after seeing what she's achieved....... is WOW!!
Keep reading...keep scrolling down...keep drooling!!!

Can you pick my Paintings in the photo above and below?
Would you like this kitchen?

My original painting above was Debbie's colour inspiration for the kitchen

I even got a mention in the magazine!! thrills!!!

I hope you've enjoyed your visit to the very talented Debbie's home
There are lots more photos to see of her house, but you'll have to buy the September issue of Home Beautiful to see.....
She has a wonderful inspirational website which you can visit here..
You'll be pleasantly surprised on how she can Help You!

What do you think?..

Should we talk her into starting a blog???

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What's in the Cupboard?

Hello and thanks for coming over

How's your week been?
Every thing's been ticking along nicely here...
We have a relatively New Butcher here in Mornington, selling the most delicious meat, supplied from Gippsland

So today I bought Premium Mince Beef...hmmm what to do with it?
 I love Spaghetti Bolognaise, but Tony isn't extra keen, spoil sport his is!
 I find it to be a comfort food

 Any suggestions on yummy recipes using minced beef ? 
Only thing is I need them within the next 20 minutes!
...they need to be quick and easy using ingrediants you'd find on hand in the Cupboard
In the meantime, I'll be doing a Google you do for anything you need to know

Speaking of Cupboards

I've been working on one for the last few days
I'm not sure what I was thinking when I decided to start this one
It is large and there are quite a few pieces of china, I think more the fact the patterns on the china took me longer to paint than the actual china itself
Anyway, just thought I'd pop in a photo for you too see how it turned out

you can click here for details if you like

OK, since I'm here

I'd love to share with you another idea I came up with today
I've been working on ideas for children's bedrooms

This one is my Boy's bedroom version

This Original above is painted on canvas

Below you can see how it would look framed

I better go,
I've got no further on the Dinner Inspiration!

See You Next time

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