Saturday, June 20, 2009

I want this

I love this Side Table in the photo above Tony finished yesterday - I think he found the legs at the tip - not sure where the drawer and top came from - could have been anywhere knowing him, all I know is he fossicks around everywhere for inexpensive recycled timber etc. so he's able to make his furniture at a very saleable price, this one was up for sale for under $300.00.

Although the recyled timber top is a lovely natural colour and so smooth, we thought it may be better painted, then distressed to match in with the bottom half - yes please I would like it.

Anyway while loading the photo I found another of our market from last weekend, the big three drawer rustic bench at the front sold, thankfully, it was a heavy one to lift in and out of the van, the top was made from the same blue chippy board I used for my original paintings recently, including Roses by the Sea.

Last - a random photo of Guss that caught my eye as I was loading on the other pics

This photo was taken a few weeks ago, it was a coolish day, not as cool as we're having now though, Ellie and I try and walk/jog along the beach as often as we can. Guss isn't wanting to get his little toes wet, not keen at all!! He loves running along the beach - sand side only

Thanks for coming over ~ Have a great weekend

~ Gail ~

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