Monday, August 17, 2009

The Shabby Chic Beach Beauties

Hello and thanks for coming over

Once again I've been working on a few new canvas whimsical paintings, the one above is my latest and features some "Beach Beauties" in Shabby Chic themed Cozzies, Bathing Caps to match of course, I do wonder what they are looking at out there in the sea?
You can click on either of the Beauties for details

For the last goodness knows how many years I've been painting in acrylics, I do use the best quality structural grade ones, they are fantastic as they dry quickly and the colours are wonderful - but I just had this urge to get my Oil paints out of retirement - which I did today, had a very enjoyable time , only thing is the painting and hopefully future paintings will take a little longer to dry, as in about one to three weeks longer, depending on weather conditions -with a bit of juggling between painting in acrylics and oils I should keep contuining to come up with new Originals every few days - sounds good in theory!

I bought some gorgeous pink long stemmed roses from the market yesterday - here they are, I plan to paint a largish laying roses painting this week, I think these will be perfect subjects.

The one below was a little sad looking, the stem being a bit fine and flimsy, so I cut most of the stem off and plonked it in with my fresh Parsley - lazy me couldn't be bothered looking for a little vase, but I quite like the contrast of the pretty pink with the lush green parsley

Thanks so much once again for coming over
~ Gail ~

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