Monday, February 8, 2010

Fun Newies for the Website

Hello to Everyone

All's good over here as I hope it is with you.

Not sure about you, but I'm forever forgetting what the date is, no matter how many times I have to fill in various forms needing today's date - I still forget. I thought it would be handy to have a "Full Year Calendar" somewhere right in front of where I work.

I've come up with this idea, I wanted to make my "Yearly Calendar" interesting as it'll be something sitting or hanging in front of me for twelve months, all the images are taken from my Original Home Decor series of paintings

Along the way I fine tuned my idea a bit and decided not to properly staple and finish the calendar into the frame, which means I will be offering new version Calendars every year, all you have to do by bending the little tabs at the back, is take ~2010~ out and replace it with ~2011~ Easy!

Each Yearly Calendar comes mounted on a 3mm mdf board, so it's not just a piece of flimsy paper, but a proper mounted print, which if you like, you can highlight or mark dates on

Hope you like my Calender Idea, they are available on my website
I was planning on doing a few different themes - time permitting.. will see how these ones go first I think

I also have some lovely hand glittered, limited edition gift cards in stock - Love working on these ones - finding it hard to make the glitter sparkle in my photos, never mind, I think you get the idea
bye for now and thanks so much for coming over
take care

~ Gail ~

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