Hi there and thanks for coming over to visit
I've been in one of those "Can't be bothered" moods this week, was thinking I should pop over and see if there's some sort of "Enthusiasm" up for sale on Ebay, ha ha, wouldn't that be a good seller, just pop an "Enthusiasm" lolly into your mouth and away you go, sounds good to me
I've been up to visit my Dad today and couldn't resist bringing home a bunch of Autumn Leaves to plonk in my big tall glass vase.
We don't have any nice Autumn trees in our garden, you probably think I'm a bit nuts wanting them inside, but I love the colours
I snipped a few Camellia's too, love them, I maybe be wrong they maybe the little version of Camellia's who's name has slipped my mind, starts with J I think...Japonica?...come on, please tell if you know!
That's about me for now, I'm off over to tidy up my website, I'm having a clear out and have put some Original Paintings and prints in my "What's on Sale" section, a few in my photo below included.
Don't forget if you're around the Parkdale area this Saturday, please pop into see us at the Parkdale Primary School Market, the details are here
We'll also be at
click here for details
Take care,
Gail xo