Hello there
Just thought I’d share with you a little project I finished which I found amusing along the way.
I found a newish bottle stand thingy in my travels, it was originally black….you know that new matt black, not really the look to fit into my kitchen. I planned to use the stand for my growing collection of Jars, perfect place to drain them after washing and also for storage.
I give it my usual treatment of matt white spray paint undercoat, then brushed on assorted tones of white paint, gave it a bit of random sanding here and there, yes it turned out OK, but thought it could do with a bit of rust to give it “The Look”. You may have already used this rust treatment before? The idea is you paint on the liquid iron, let it dry then paint on the rust exhilarator and before your eyes the iron turns rusty!!
The problem was, I’d had my bottle of liquid iron in the cupboard for so many years, it actually turned to solid iron in the bottle. So I went to Bunnings to buy another bottle, all I could find was Anti Rust and Products to Prevent Rust!! I didn’t want to Prevent it, I wanted to grow it in a big way!!
I eventually found my Liquid Iron, I might add the rust will improve with aging
I also have some new Originals painted on wonderful vintage chippy board
You can go to my website here to see the full view
Thanks so much for coming over
Gail xx