Hello and thanks for coming over! I’m very happy to announce I have my computer back from warranty repairs, I was grateful to have my old one as a back up, but was getting frustrated with the poor old faithful machine, if you know what I mean?
Here we go then, this is a little update on our news
Thought I’d share with you, once again, two projects I finished last Saturday. Isn’t it always the best feeling to make use of old bits and pieces
I won’t claim it was us who hinged the wardrobe doors together, I bought them ready done from a Garage Sale, but I will claim it was me giving them a bit of a distressing
and here they are all finished…both sides
You can see the before pic below
I did my layering of colours technique to achieve the final chippy old look, I also worked on a timber not so old bunk bed ladder
These two will go into our new shop, you know the one I mentioned on my previous Post?, the one that’s stocked up and open!
We’re thrilled with the customer feedback, another large load of stock arrives this week!
We’d love you to pop in and visit us, you can click here for details
Until Next Time……