I had a very successful weekend finding treasures, nothing of any value to Antique Dealers or Collectors but lots of value to me, I found some great clean ready to paint and transform bits and pieces. Above is the before photos, I've already finished a few and here they are below
I thought this handy storage box (above) would look perfect with one of my favourite prints on the top. I got the sander out and distressed around the edges to give it a bit of character. I found it at a trash and treasure market, the previous owner had already given it several coats of fresh white paint, I found quite a few bits and pieces from her stall, she was "a going to do person" and was moving house and couldn't be bothered taking it all with her, lucky for me as quite a few pieces she'd already painted white, isn't that the most time consuming job painting boxes inside, underneath and top....takes ages!
This storage box is for sale on our website, click on the following link if you'd like some details http://www.gailmccormack.com/catalog.php?item=125&catid=8&ret=catalog.php%3Fcategory%3D8
The Light Shade pictured above, I must admit was one I've had hanging around at home for ages, it was in the lead lighting style era, well no I said to myself don't through it out, try and do something with it, I painted it white inside and out then hand painted on the roses, it's not really meant as a lamp shade but a light shade, I had to put it on one of my lamps that has one of those round circle bits attached. Not sure if it would be worth selling for this reason, ideas anyone???
The storage box pictured above was my favourite finished project, I found it in it's original condition (see above photos) from a garage sale, the previous owner a 6 year old boy was so proud to sell it to me, lots of his old texta coloured drawings all over, I didn't have the heart to tell him I was going to repaint his treasure chest as he called it. Anyway here it is.
I have it listed for sale on our website click on the link for details http://www.gailmccormack.com/catalog.php?item=87&catid=8&ret=catalog.php%3Fcategory%3D8
Just a quick thank you to anyone out there actually reading my blog, it's wonderful and inspiring to be sharing all this with you!!
Oh I just had a thought, hope I don't sound too pushy with click on this link to our website etc. etc.....just sometimes it does make it easier if you really want details
please leave a comment and say oh Gail that is bad, if you think I'm being pushy, I wouldn't take offence at all, I would value your opinion