Here's my prop I used for my Painting, I didn't have a Box of Soap Powder, so had to use a box of tea bags as a fill in character. Isn't it annoying the way those tiny little Macro Boxes of Laundry Washing Powders have sky rocketed in price, they're meant to be POWER PLUS and cost effective, but I find myself using the same sized scoop as I did with the older versions...umm, maybe it's just me??
As for the Packet of Starch, I've had it in the cupboard for years, I bought it when I went through my phase of reselling vintage linen, that phase didn't last long. I wasn't good with the starch, I somehow managed to always get my proportions wrong, I remember once I got them so very wrong the table cloth was so stiff the edges wouldn't fall over the edge of the table, sort of like a piece of cardboard sitting on a table!! Quite comical when you think about it.
Here's another from my Laundry series, this one has sold, but just thought I'd pop it in to show you.
Happy Weekend to Everyone!
~ Gail ~