I’m really just popping into say Hello & I hope all is ticking along nicely for everyone?
Not really much going on in my little world at the moment.
The excitement a few weeks ago of our Son’s Surprise Wedding and our Daughter’s wonderful news of a new baby on the way!! I think that’s ample news to do me for a little while.
Of course a blog post can’t be done without a few photos. Thought I’d share a very quick little project I did today.
I love fresh herbs, love to have them on hand in the kitchen, how good are they?, not only do they smell and look pretty, but you can use them!! I thought my bunch deserved a bit of pretting up, so I popped in a few roses and designed a label for the front of the jar
And there they sit on my kitchen window sill
Here’s my label close up, I printed it on the back side of an old Music book: I just knew I kept that book for a reason!!
Thanks so much for coming over ~ see you next time