Hello and thanks for coming over. Goodness it seems like ages since my last Post!
I’ve always had this little ritual where after I clean the house, I pop outside and pick a bunch of flowers, or even sometimes simply an interesting assortment of foliage.
I miss my fresh roses in winter time though, so when I came across this bunch from one of those “Cheapo” shops, I grabbed it, and isn’t it amazing what a little bit of fiddling around can do to make them look real
They started off like this
After giving them a bit of a rough up, so as they didn’t look so uniform, I went outside and picked the last buds and leaves from my Rose Bush, mixed them in with the fake ones and…there you have it!
I meant to mention; seen as I had my paints out, I added a few blemishes to the fakes'…because you rarely see a perfect bunch of roses, specially home gown ones!
I think my $2.50 bunch of fake roses was a good investment
So while I was at it, I got to work on these fake Snow Balls I bought at a Garage Sale last week, I always remember our Snow Ball Tree we had in our front garden when we were kids.
Thanks so much for coming over and visiting!
~Gail~ xo