Friday, August 31, 2007

Why do I do it?

I'm wondering why I keep buying more treasures to give revamps too, below a few goodies I found from the Trash and Treasure Market last weekend, I've finished quite a few from that lot for our website and Big Market tomorrow

I've put a print in each little box and they look so sweet, I'll take them to our market tomorrow, also try and get a few on the website

as you can see below I seperated the Singer Sewing Machine drawers painted them inside and out then polished them with fine wire wool and rose wax, they look and smell beautiful

The above lot I am pleased with all done, nothing hanging around from that market visit, I even used all the frames for prints, you can see a few of them in the photos below.

The thing that worries me is why when I was in the OP Shop today did I have to buy more frames, it would be different if they were ornate fancy frames but they were plain and why more bits and pieces, I try and justify these bits and pieces as props for my photo shots, I certainly don't need anymore decorations at home. I never get around to selling them on our website, antique centre stall or ebay, so why do I keep buying little bargains?
Anyway here they are the ones I couldn't resist today, above a glass dome, just love these to display any favourites
Above a sweet little fillage mirror, has little feet to stand or a hanger

What about this scrolly hanger stand thing, not quite sure what it's meant to be or where on earth will I put it.

Oh Yuk below just a tiny section of frames in our shed!

Hopefully the weather is going to be good for our Market tomorrow and I can take some photos of our day for my next post
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend

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