A few zoom in photos of Tony's hand crafted furniture, completely made by him from scratch. It's funny listening to some of the passers by commenting how nice that "Tatty old piece of furniture" would look with a fresh coat of paint!! do we take that as a complement?
I plan to do a blog on some of his pieces used as shop fittings, they look wonderful.
Above is a sort of Shadow Box Tony made and attached a print at the back, how gorgeous would that look with real tea cups and maybe cup cakes sitting inside. Hope he can make some more for our website.
That's about it for our market stall, I thought I took more photos, musn't have though, anyway you get the general idea.
Now one of our favourite stalls at this Market, The Scout Devonshire Teas, can you see in the background the big camp oven, that's where the luscious scones are baked, the billies are bubbling away on the top ready for a cup of real Tea, oh Yum, real cream in the scones, all proceeds going to the Scouts, when you watch them set up and dismantle all the smokey ovens and billies, specially on the hot days, you really have to admire them, that must be why I support the cause and buy and eat the scones, I support a local community project!!
Lots of interesting stalls at this market, how about this one, a potted lemon tree which they've somehow attached a section of trellis in and trained the lemon tree to grow around the trellis, just lovely, an instant screen.
We always come home with beautiful fresh local fruit, vegies and flowers, see my last post for my scented pansies.
That was our Saturday market, on Sunday we had another market at Dingley, a much smaller one held in the Community Centre, not nearly as many people but nice, a bonus about this one is we can take Guss with us.
The only photo I have of today's market is when our son Todd (remember we wouldn't let Guss the dog leave home but let Todd) came to visit Tony for Father's Day