Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas to All

We're Nearly There!

We've had lots of heavy, much needed rain over the past 3 days, so much so our house flooded two days in a row, you've probably been through similar, even if it's been washing machines overflowing, all cleaned up now, only trouble is a family of foxes have lost their home and decided to make a new one under our floor boards, the smell and howling at night is disturbing to say the least! I've tried throwing mothballs under the house, it works for the parts the mothballs reach, but not right in the middle, apart from pulling the floor boards up we don't know what to do, any ideas would be welcome.

This little problem of mine is very small compared to some of the hardships and sadness others are going through at the moment. Please let 2008 be kinder to you!
You may want to pop over to Ali Regan's Blog to help little Benji, click here to be taken straight there

Below are some photos of what I love about Christmas.

My daughter was living away from home one Christmas, just wasn't the same, she loves Christmas, not for herself, more for what and how she can give to others. Ellie on your left in the photo below and her friend Jenny in our kitchen making little shortbread Christmas biscuits, they packaged them all up for their friends and workmates.


Ellie's made Siobhan's delicious chocolate royal Christmas puddings

I've put them under glass with strict instructions to myself not to eat them before Christmas Day!

The beautifully wrapped pressies and Christmas tree compliments of Ellie...thank you my lovely daughter, I'm a lucky Mum!!

You may be like me and have lots of old chippy bits and pieces laying around, instead of throwing them out, I decided to try painting them creamy white, maybe a little bit of gold buff or a ribbon for Christmas to make them look quirky, group them together if you like, I think they look sweet.

This will be my last post before Christmas

We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year, thank you for your company over the past few months in blog land, it's meant so much to us!

Warmest wishes and much love from Gail & Tony McCormack

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