Thursday, October 15, 2009

My dreadful camera

sold - thankyou

Hi there and thanks for coming over
Just thought I'd share with you my frustrations over my dreadful camera - then I thought, really it's been a wonderful camera considering its age - hate to think how old it is, it certainly is way better than my other newer one.

Here's what I have to do to take a photo which will hopefully turn out to be close to a true colour of my original artwork I'm photographing

I use a white Styrofoam fruit box, probably not the perfect thing to use, but I can't see myself making one of those photo cubes - so this was my substitute. If the weather is bad I have to be really fast taking my photos, a sudden gust of wind can destroy my little setup!

Once the photos are taken, I then have to edit them in photo shop, re size etc. etc....all part of it isn't it, I must say I do enjoy the process, just wish one day soon I can upgrade to a more up to date camera

Here's another one I've just finished, I've put this one on the fence to take the photo, just prayed the wind didn't blow up all of a sudden, before I clicked on the camera, I would hate to see that beautiful vintage frame shatter to pieces - all good though

sold - thankyou

Thanks for coming over

Enjoy the rest of your week

~Gail ~

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